Can my home be sold through foreclosure during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic?

Is my home protected from foreclosure? Congress’ passage of the CARES Act goes very far in protecting Nebraska homeowners from possibly losing their home. As mentioned previously on an article about requesting a mortgage forbearance, your protection is based on whether your mortgage is federally backed. Refer to that article to determine whether your mortgage […]

Mortgage Relief due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Congress provided some relief to Nebraska homeowners facing a hardship due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Depending on the circumstances, there may be some mortgage relief during this time. Mortgage Relief Congress provides a homeowner relief from their monthly mortgage payment by requesting a forbearance with their mortgage company if: The homeowner has a federally backed […]

How to Receive your Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stimulus Check

Congress recently passed an economic stimulus package to help Americans get through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Known as the Economic Impact Payment, the stimulus provides a certain amount to each American and their dependents. Who is eligible for the Stimulus Check? All U.S. Citizens and resident aliens who: have a valid social security number; could […]

New Legislation to Discharge Student Loans in Bankruptcy

The new Congress took office earlier this month and there is already a bill introduced to allow student loan debt to be discharged in bankruptcy. In a previous article, I wrote how student loans can be discharged under the current bankruptcy laws, however, it is extremely difficult to do. Discharge of Student Loans in Bankruptcy […]

How to Complete the Statement of Financial Affairs in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Without a Nebraska Bankruptcy Attorney

This is part five in the six part series on “How to Prepare a Consumer Chapter 7 Bankruptcy without a Nebraska Bankruptcy Attorney”. We discussed the importance of properly completing the Bankruptcy Means Test in the first article in the series. In subsequent articles we discussed filling out the creditor, property, and income and expense […]