
A divorce case in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska can be simple, quick and easy, or it can be quite complex, time consuming and stressful. What type of divorce case you have is dependent on the parties’ ability to work together and make concessions. Even if you have an uncontested divorce case, a qualified Omaha divorce attorney will save you time and money in the long run.

If no children were born of the marriage, the general issues to be determined, first by the divorcing parties, and if that fails, a judge, is the equitable distribution of the marital property and an award of alimony, or spousal support.

The parties are free to adopt a distribution of assets on their own, could voluntarily, or be ordered to, attend mediation to see if distribution can be worked out, or set for trial for distribution to be determined by a judge after hearing evidence. A qualified Omaha Divorce Attorney can help you to estimate chances of success in your divorce case.

A divorce case concludes with the entry of a Decree of Dissolution which sets out either the agreements made by the parties or the decision of the divorce court. If you have a Nebraska divorce attorney representing you, the attorney will draft the proper documents for the divorce court to consider.

Nebraska Divorce with Children

If children are involved, a divorce case must include, in addition to a distribution of marital property and determination of an award of spousal support, a determination as to physical and legal custody of the child, each parent’s visitation schedule, and an award of child support.

In Nebraska, each party to a child custody case must attend a parenting class. These classes are scheduled from time to time throughout Nebraska and can also be completed online. Custody will not be awarded to a parent without completing the parenting course. Your Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska divorce attorney will provide you with schedules and locations to take the parenting class.

Once again, the parties can agree to custody and visitation on their own, may voluntarily, or be ordered to, attend mediation to resolve these issues or have a judge determine them after a trial and evidence that demonstrates what would be in the child’s best interests.

The determination of child support is based on the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines. It is a calculation using the parties’ incomes to quantify the amount of support each party will be required to pay. A qualified Lincoln divorce attorney will be able to calculate proper child support in your situation.

A divorce case with children involved concludes with the entry of a divorce decree, a parenting plan that outlines a visitation schedule, and a child support calculation in addition to the determination of distribution of assets and an award of spousal support. Your mediator may draft a parenting plan, but Lincoln, Nebraska Divorce Attorney will draft the other necessary divorce documents prior to the conclusion of your case.

As one can see, a divorce case in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska can encompass a wide variety of issues and each case is unique. If you are contemplating divorce or have received notice that your spouse has filed a divorce case in Nebraska, you should contact Caldwell Law to review your situation and develop a divorce strategy that best suites your goals. Caldwell Law is a divorce law firm who you can partner to advocate your goals and interests at reasonable prices.

Cost of Nebraska Divorce

Since every case is unique, it is hard to estimate and determine how much a divorce case will cost. You can see how our Nebraska divorce attorney fees are different than other law firms by viewing our flat monthly Nebraska divorce  fee schedule.  The following is a generalization of divorce costs:

No children, little or no significant property, short duration of marriage (Uncontested/Contested: $750-$1,500)

Significant property and/or long duration of marriage, No children (Uncontested: $1,000-$2,000, Contested: $1,000-$3,500)

Children, little or no significant property, short duration of marriage (Uncontested: $1,000-$2,000, Contested: $1,000-$2,500)

Children, significant property and/or long duration of marriage (Uncontested: $2,000-$5,000, Contested: $5,000-$20,000)

Caldwell Law can help during the stressful time of going through a divorce. Contact a Nebraska divorce lawyer who you can trust to provide you with compassionate legal care.